In the year of 1620, a group of English Pilgrims rode on the May Flower and sailed to the U.S. east coast, because it was in winter, food was not enough, many Pilgrims were sick. In the next spring, with the help of the Indians, they learned how to grow corn, peas and pumpkins, as well as fishing and hunting skills.
為什麼我們要慶祝感恩節, 吃火雞大餐呢? 在西元1620年,有 一批英國清教徒,搭了五月花船移民到美國東岸, 因為在寒冷的冬天裡,食物不夠,很多人都病倒了。到第二年的春天,在印地安人的幫助下,他們才學會了如何種玉米、豌豆和南瓜,還有補魚及打獵的技巧。
In order to thank the Indians, Pilgrims invited the Indians to celebrate their harvest in the fall after the crops matured. Therefore, this evolved into the American tradition of celebrating Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November each year. Family members will go back home for reunion and have a Thanksgiving feast together.

The tradition meals included a roast turkey, pumpkin pie, sweet potato, corns, cranberry sauce, homemade bread and a variety of vegetables and fruits! Yummy! I can't wait to eat them all! But do not forget! After eating the turkey, please also think about people to thank for and tell me the reason why you would like to thank them?
傳統的感恩節大餐有烤火雞,南瓜派,甜山芋、玉蜀黍、紅莓果醬、自己烘烤的麵包及各種蔬菜和水果等! 好好吃啊! 我的口水都要流出來了! 別忘了! 在吃完火雞大餐後也要想想誰是你要感謝的人! 並且告訴我為什麼你要感謝他們?