Aspartame is a common artificial sweetener found in over six thousand products worldwide, especially in diet soda products. It is the most-consumed artificial sweetener in the United States.
With the power of slick marketing, the public has been led to believe that aspartame is safer and healthier than regular sugar, but nothing could be further from the truth.
有了取巧的行銷力量,大眾被引導相信阿斯巴甜比一般糖更為安全和健康,但大錯特錯。Aspartame accounts for seventy-five percent of adverse reactions to food additives reported to the FDA.The most common reaction is a headache or migraine, but many reactions are very serious, including seizures and death.
阿斯巴甜在通報到食品藥物管理局的食物添加劑引起的不良反應中占了百分之七十五。最常見的反應是頭痛或是偏頭痛,但許多反應非常嚴重,包括癲癇和死亡。Aspartame has also been linked to depression and increased weight, yet these products continue to be marketed as healthy options that support calorie restriction.
Aspartame is composed of forty percent aspartic acid, fifty percent phenylalanine, and ten percent methanol, or wood alcohol. The amino acid, aspartic acid and phenylalanine benefits your body's function, but you ingest these amino acids excessively in aspartame.
Aspartame is an excitotoxin that excites or stimulates your brain cells to death. On the other hand, too much phenylalanine can change your brain's physiology and deplete your serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood.
Naturally occurring methanol found in certain foods and vegetables is firmly bonded to pectin, which allows the methanol to be safely passed through your digestive tract. The phenylalanine methyl bond, called a methyl ester, is very weak, and allows the methyl group on the phenylalanine to easily break off and form methanol.
Methanol from aspartame is extremely dangerous to humans. It is carried to susceptible tissues in your body, where alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) converts it to formaldehyde, the fluid used for embalming.
Your body lacks key enzymes that eliminate formaldehyde that accumulate in your cells, and wreak havoc on sensitive proteins and DNA. It is linked to breast and prostate cancer, as well as oxidative damage in your brain.
你的身體缺少了能消除累積在你細胞內甲醛的的關鍵酶,而對敏感的蛋白質和DNA造成嚴重破壞。它與乳癌和前列腺癌,還有在你腦中的氧化傷害相關。Animals have a protective mechanism that allows methanol to be broken down into harmless formic acid, but there's a major biochemical problem with methanol in humans, because of the difference in how it's metabolized, compared to all other animals.
This is why toxicology testing on animals is a flawed model. It doesn't fully apply to humans. But why is aspartame still on the market?
Aspartame was discovered by accident in 1965, when James Schlatter, a chemist of G.D. Searle Company, was testing an anti-ulcer drug. G.D. Searle fervently push for the approval of aspartame on the market to no avail.
阿斯巴甜在1965年意外被發現,當James Schlatter--一個G.D. Searle公司的藥劑師在測試一種防潰瘍藥物時。G.D. Searle熱切地要促成阿斯巴甜在市場上的許可,無功而返。
Scientific evidence, including the Bressler Report created in 1977, linked aspartame to a number of side effects, including a huge risk of brain tumors. It also revealed fraud and manipulation of data done on aspartame studies.
科學證據,包括在1977年產出的Bressler報告,將阿斯巴甜和數種副作用相連結,包括腦瘤的極大風險。它同樣揭露了在阿斯巴甜研究上的騙局和資料竄改。One day after the inauguration of Ronald Reagan in 1981, Searle reapplied to the FDA for approval to use aspartame as a food sweetener. Its CEO, Donald Rumsfeld, had Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes Jr. appointed as the new FDA commissioner. Hayes appointed a five-person Scientific Commision to review the current decision on aspartame.
在1981年雷根就職後的一天,Searle向食品藥物管理局重新申請用阿斯巴甜作為食品甜味劑的許可。其首席執行長Donald Rumsfeld讓Arthur Hull Hayes Jr.博士被指派為食品藥物管理局的新理事。Hayes指派了一個五人的科學委員會去重新審查現今對阿斯巴甜的決定。
When it became clear that the panel would uphold the ban, Hayes installed the sixth member, who voted in favor of aspartame. He broke the tie in aspartame's favor, which led to the inevitable approval of the sweetener in 1983.
當專門小組要支持禁令這事變得明朗的時候,Hayes任命了第六個成員,投向對阿斯巴甜有利的一邊。他打破平手的局面變得有利於阿斯巴甜,導致了1983年對甜味劑難以避免的許可。In 1985, Monsanto purchased G.D. Searle and made Searle Pharmaceuticals and the Nutrasweet company separate subsidiaries.
在1985年,孟山都買下G.D. Searle,並將Searle製藥和Nutrasweet公司變成分開的子公司。Today, there are over nine hundred public studies revealing the detrimental effects of aspartame. Migraines are the most reported aspartame reaction. Chronic exposure to this sweetener can bring about or worsen serious conditions, such as asthma, lymphomas and leukemia, brain tumors and brain cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis and epilepsy.
今日,有超過九百份公共研究揭露了阿斯巴甜的有害影響。偏頭痛是最常被通報的阿斯巴甜反應。對這種甜味劑的慢性接觸可以導致或是惡化嚴重的疾病,像是哮喘、淋巴瘤和白血病、腦瘤和腦癌、腸躁症、帕金森氏症、多發性硬化和癲癇。Aspartame's connection to cancer cannot be ignored. Excitotoxins like aspartame have been found to dramatically promote cancer growth. A researcher found that when cancer cells were exposed to aspartame, they became more mobile, and their metastasis, or spread, became more enhanced.
阿斯巴甜和癌症的連結不能被忽略。像是阿斯巴甜的興奮性神經毒素被發現會顯著地促進癌症擴散。一名研究人員發現當癌細胞接觸到阿斯巴甜時,它們變得更加活躍,還有它們的轉移、或是散佈變得更加強化。The longest ever human aspartame study, spanning twenty-two years and conducted by the Brigham and Women's hospital from Harvard University found a clear association between aspartame consumption and increased risk of blood cancers.
史上最長的人體阿斯巴甜研究,持續二十二年且由哈佛大學的Brigham and Women's醫院執行,發現阿斯巴甜攝取和增加的血癌風險之間有清楚的關連。
The Harvard study found that men who consumed more than one diet soda per day had a heightened risk of developing multiple myeloma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Leukemia was associated with diet soda intake in both sexes.
哈佛研究發現每天飲用超過一罐無糖汽水的男人有發展多發性骨髓瘤和非霍奇金氏淋巴瘤的升高的風險。白血病在兩種性別中都和無糖汽水攝取有關連。This study strongly confirms the dangers of aspartame for humans, as it's the first large-scale and long-term observational human study ever conducted on the sweetener. But after yielding to severe pressure from the industry, the researchers downplayed their findings, minimizing the impacts of the study.
這份研究強力證實阿斯巴甜對人類的危險,因為它是第一個針對甜味劑執行的大型和長期的人類觀察研究。但在屈服於產業嚴峻壓力後,研究員將他們的發現輕描淡寫,最小化這份研究的影響。Despite these red flags, food manufacturers still continue to use aspartame for their products. In fact, the International Dairy Foods Association and the National Milk Producers Federation have petitioned the FDA to amend the standard of identity for milk to allow aspartame to be added to it without being listed on the label.
Contrary to promises of diet soda and diet products containing it, aspartame can make you gain weight by stimulating your appetite, increasing your cravings for carbohydrates, and promoting fat storage.
和含有阿斯巴甜的無糖汽水及無糖產品的承諾相反,阿斯巴甜可以讓你增加體重,透過刺激你的胃口、增加你對碳水化合物的渴望、並促進脂肪儲存。Aspartame toxicity is not well-known by doctors, despite its frequency. Most of its symptoms mimic other health conditions, so if you're having a reaction to sweeteners, you may be unaware of it, or are blaming it on another cause.
醫師們並不充分理解阿斯巴甜的毒性,儘管它的頻繁性。其症狀大部分與其他健康狀況極為相似,所以如果你正對甜味劑有反應,你可能會沒有察覺到它,或是怪罪於其他原因。To see if you're suffering from aspartame toxicity, eliminate all artificially sweetened products from your diet for two weeks. Reintroduce them to your diet one by one for about three servings per day. Compare how you feel with when you weren't taking any sweeteners.
要看看你是否受到阿斯巴甜毒性所苦,從你的飲食中除去所有添加人工甜味劑的產品兩週。一個個地重新將它們引進到你的飲食中大約一天三份。和當你沒有食用任何甜味劑時感覺如何,來比較看看。If you notice no changes, your body is able to tolerate it acutely without any immediate response. If you notice that you are experiencing side effects, you should immediately report it to the FDA by going the FDA Consumer Complaint Coordinator website and calling the phone number for your state.
如果你注意到沒改變,你的身體能夠敏感地忍受它而沒有任何立即反應。如果你注意到你正感受到副作用,你應該要立即將此通報給食品藥物管理局,透過到食品藥物管理局消費者投訴協調網站,並撥打你那州的電話。Stick to natural sweeteners such as stevia, luohan and dextrose. Take note that even these should be consumed in moderation.
堅持食用天然甜味劑,像是甜葉菊、羅漢果和葡萄糖。注意即使這些都應該適量攝取。If you are struggling with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, insulin sensitivity issues, or are overweight, it is recommended to avoid all types of sweeteners, both artificial and natural.

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