2013年10月20日 星期日



I think it's important to recognize that moms come in a lot of different shapes and sizes. Well, you know, my mother was the single most important influence in my life. I saw her struggles as a single mom. She taught me the values of hard work and responsibility, but also compassion and empathy, being able to look at the world through somebody else's eyes and stand in their shoes. She was somebody who recognized that those of us who have some talents, or have been given opportunities that we gotta give something back. And I'll always be indebted to her for that.

My grandmother, she was very different than my mother, much more sort of stoic and, you know, very much displayed her Kansas roots, but was a constant source of strength for all of us. Here's a woman who grew up in the depression, never had the opportunity to go to college, worked her way up as a secretary to become a Vice President of a bank. Frankly, if there hadn't been a glass ceiling, she probably could have taken over the bank.

Michelle's the best mom I know. She cares deeply about family.

This is my wife Michelle. Hey! I'm his date.

She combines the ability to make the kids feel completely loved with a real sense of being able to provide the kids with limits. She is pretty good at it. The proof is in those girls who are magical. And I'd like to say that I have something to do with it, but I think in fairness I've gotta give her most of the credit.

I've said not to let you go. Okay.

That model of strong responsible women but also incredibly loving women has been a great gift for my girls, because they can see every day the contributions that women are making in their own family, and I think that gives them enormous amount of confidence as they go forward.

The issues that mothers face, those are issues that matter to all of us. So families count on women having equal opportunity. That's the reason why something like the Affordable Care Act was so important, because a lot of times women are paying more for their Healthcare. That's why I signed the Lilly Ledbetter Act to make sure that people got an equal day's pay for an equal day's work. Because when we do that, that's not just good for women. That's good for our country. That's good for families everywhere.
母親們面對的問題,那些是事關我們所有人的問題。所以家庭指望女人們有平等的機會。那就是為什麼像平價醫療法案(註一)這樣的東西是那麼重要,因為很多時候女人為了醫療保健支出更多。那就是為何我簽署Lilly Ledbetter法案(註二)來確保人們為同樣一天的工作能得到同樣一天的薪水。因為當我們那樣做的時候,那不只是對女人好。那對我們國家好。那對任何地方的家庭好。

Happy Mother's Day to every single mother out there!

註一:Affordable Care Act全名為 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act(PPACA),又稱之為Obamacare,是歐巴馬在2010年所修訂的法例。
註二:Lilly Ledbetter Act全名為 Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act,是歐巴馬在2009年所修訂的法例。

